Our TÜRSAB Mobile Application, which has been implemented as part of the Digital Transformation of our Association and will enable you to access our TÜRSAB services in the easiest and fastest way, is online!
You can easily access many of our services for our members and consumers, such as TÜRSAB Online, TÜRSAB KART, license plate inquiry, license plate status notification, Digital Verification System, QR Code Verification and member agency inquiry, via your mobile devices and you can perform your transactions in a practical way.
You can download our TÜRSAB Mobile Application, which will provide benefit and time to our members and users, to your mobile devices free of charge via the links below.
IOS: https://apps.apple.com/tr/app/t%C3%BCrsab/id1595191104?l=tr
ANDROID: https://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=5056726413836450614