Principal Consultants

Ahmet Çelik was born in 1976 and he is from Çanakkale. He started to work at TroyAnzac Travel Agency, one of Turkey's first incoming travel agencies in 1990. He graduated from Gazi University, Department of Foreign Language Education in 1999. In 2000, he received a Professional Tourist guide license in the English language. He founded B2 Certified Wilusa Tourism in 2004. Mr. Çelik was elected as a member of the Çanakkale Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 2016 and is still a member of the Board of Directors. He is the opinion leader of the campaign of “2018 is the year of Troy”. In the domestic market, he is one of the brand creators of the Gallipoli Marathon and Çanakkale Cycling Festival. In the foreign market, he has specialized in swimming events and races attended by foreign swimmers in the seas of Turkey, for touristic purposes. He served as the Secretary General of TÜRSAB Çanakkale – Balıkesir BTK and the President of the BTK for two terms. He speaks advanced English, is married, and has one child.

Ceren Anadol was born in 1985 in Ankara. She graduated from Bilkent University, Department of International Relations. With the establishment of Sayegrup in 2014, M.I.C.E., and as of 2018, with Skiturkish and Anadols brands, incoming and operating in the domestic market, Ms. Anadol is the Ankara City Council Executive Board Member in addition to TÜRSAB Accessible Tourism Specialization Vice Presidency.

Hamit Kuk was born in 1970 in Rize. He completed his primary, secondary, and high school education in Rize. He graduated from Erciyes University, Department of Tourism and Hotel Management. Mr. Kuk, who started to work in the tourism sector in 1990, is a member of the Tourism Committee of the Service Exporters Association (HIB), a member of the Skal International Antalya Club and the Sports Tourism Association, besides that he is a member of the Board of the Travel Agencies Managers Association (SAYD). Mr. Kuk is fluent in English. He is married and has two children.

Numan Olcar was born in 1964 in Bursa. He founded Olcartur Travel Agency in 1987. He took an active role in the Adana region on Regional Air Transport, which is under government policies. As of 1993, he served as the Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Turkey to the Republic of South Africa for 29 years. He was the President of the Mersin Tourism Platform, which is one of the three platforms created within the framework of the RIS – Regional Innovation Strategies project in 2007. Mr. Olcay served as a member of the Mersin Chamber of Commerce and Industry Assembly, Mersin Chamber of Shipping Executive Committee, Founding Member of Çukurova SKAL International, and Vice Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Turkish and Arab Businessmen Association (TURAB). In addition to his earlier duties as a Member of the Board of Directors and Advisor to the President of the Association of Turkish Travel Agencies (TÜRSAB), he played an active role in committees and branches. Mr. Olcar is currently working as TÜRSAB Airlines Ticket Sales and IATA Specialization President.

Soner Bacaksız was born in Gaziantep in 1977. Mr. Bacaksız graduated from Mersin University, Department of Business Administration, and studied for his Master's degree in Tourism Management at Gaziantep University. Soner Bacaksız, the owner of Vipol Turizm and a Professional Tourist Guide with Kokart, also serves as the President of TÜRSAB GAP BTK, Vice President of Çukurova SKAL Club and Chairman of the Gaziantep Airport Airline Operators Committee (AOC).

1975 yılında İzmir’de doğdu.
Turizm sektörüne 2003 yılında Escan tur ile başlayarak Yurtiçi Kültür turları ve Yurtdışı Kültür turları düzenlemektedir.
2021 yılında ise İncoming alanında yatırım yaparak ikinci Acentasını Sinarit turizm olarak kurdu.Almanya ve Kuzey Kıbrıs ülkeleri ile çalışmaktadır.Evli ve iki çocuk babasıdır.

He was born in 1973 in Van. After completing his elementary and middle school education in Van, he continued his education life there due to the necessity of moving to Antalya. His education life, which he continued until the second grade of the Correspondence School of Business Administration Department, ended due to his entry into the tourism sector.
In 1989, he entered the tourism sector and worked in travel agencies in different regions until 1994. In 1994, he stepped into the sector with the start of golf tourism in Antalya. Since 1994, he has been continuing his activities. He is currently the President of the Board of Directors of Millennium Golf as well as a member of the Board of Directors of DEIK Ireland desk and continues his activities in golf tourism.
Mr. Uygun is married and has two children.