TÜRSAB has been developing a sustainable and innovative system which is suitable for the digital age to provide, a more active, stronger, and better role for their members in the national and international platforms; to contribute to the profession of Travel Agency and the tourism industry in Turkey.
With this perspective, the Association has embarked on the Global Ethic Codes for Tourism which are determined by the Turkey Tourism Goals, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).
The Association effectively represents the tourism sector and increases social consciousness. It takes an active role in developing legal restrictions. In addition to that, it helps to develop the performance of their members and staff. It regulates the environment of competition. It raises the service standards in the sector by organizing training activities that will contribute to the professional development of Travel Agencies.
• Reliability
• Impartiality
• Transparency
• Stability
• Accessibility
• Proactive
• Team Spirit
• Quality Orientation
• Social responsibility
• Environmentally Friendly TÜRSAB Quality Politics
• It complies with law and legislation as a source of law.
• It contributes to and supports the professional development of its members (travel agencies).
• It works to rise the motivation and productivity of its employees.
• As an institution, it follows the technological developments in the world and acts under its requirements.
• Takes care to protect human health and safety and the environment and acts towards this purpose.
• It carries out its activities by making all its processes sustainable and continuously improving them. It also undertakes to take the necessary actions to implement the conditions and standards that will develop in this field.