The Law Concerning Travel Agencies and the Association of Travel Agencies entered into effect on 28th September 1972 (Law No.1618, Date of Passage: 14 th September 1972, Official Gazette No.14320 dated 28th September 1972) The Law is consisted of three sections.
Section One, Travel Agencies
This section contains articles concerning procedures and provisions set for the establishment, trade name of the enterprise, branch offices, operation of travel agencies, permissions, grouping, operation certificates, qualifications of the travel agency owner, the manager in charge, travel agency personnel; travel agency offices, security to be received from the travel agencies, obligations of travel agencies, credit and other facilities provided to, inspection and supervision, cancellation and penalties.
Section Two, The Association of Travel Agencies
This section contains articles under the headings;
- Aim and the Establishment
- Duties of the Association
- Bodies of the Association
- Revenue of the Association
Subsections contain articles concerning General Assembly, Executive Board, Disciplinary Council and the Inspection Council, election, establishment of the bodies and their duties.
Revenue of the Association
According to Article 35 of the Law, the revenue of the Association of Turkish Travel Agencies, shall consist of the following sources:
- Registration fees to the Association and membership fees
- Revenue to be obtained from the courses and seminars organized for training the travel agency personnel
- Donations and contributions
Section Three
This section includes Final Provisions, Interim Articles and article concerning execution of the Law.
Regulation Pertaining to Travel Agencies
Regulation Pertaining to Travel Agencies entered into effect on 4th September 1996 (Official Gazette No.22747 dated 4th September 1996)
This Regulation was prepared and has been put into effect in accordance with the Law Concerning Travel Agencies and Association of Travel Agencies, No 1618
The Regulation covers the principles, the procedures related to the implementation of the provisions applicable to travel agencies under Law.1618, concerning the establishment and operation of travel agencies, scope of travel agency services qualifications required for the owners, managers in charge, personnel, and work place etc.
This Regulation contains seven sections, under the following headings
- General Provisions
- Services and Groups of Travel Agencies and Principles of Operation (Article 4 of this section spesifies exclusive services to travel agencies)
- Establishment, Characteristics and Inspection of Travel Agencies
- Qualifications of the Travel Agency Services
- Consumer Rights
- Examinations for Information Officers
- Final Provisions
Regulation Pertaining to the Association of Travel Agencies
Regulation Pertaining to the Association of Travel Agencies entered into effect on 4th September 1996. (Official Gazette No: 22747 dated 4th September 1996)
This Regulation was also prepared and put into effect in accordance with the Law concerning Travel Agencies and the Association of Travel Agencies, No: 1618
The Regulation contains the followings;
- Purpose and the Establishment
- Duties of the Association
- Bodies of the Association
- General Assembly
- Executive Board
- Inspection Council
- Disciplinary Council
- Revenue of the Association
The Regulation specifies in detail the aims, duties of the Association; procedures and provisions concerning establishment, elections, meetings, and duties of its bodies as well as revenue of the Association.
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